PRODUCE 101 JAPAN Final Results and Top 20 Ranking! Japanese national producer's reaction to the final results

This post is mainly for PRODUCE 101 JAPAN fans who are not living in Japan!

The final results are revealed in the finale premiered on 11th December! The following are the final results! I also wrote some comments on (my reaction to) the final ranking!

※Since I'm a Japanese native, I guess there are some grammatical errors in this post.

Top 11 Trainees

1. Issei, MAMEHARA


3. Takumi, KAWANISHI

4. Shosei, OHIRA

5. Shion, TSURUBO


7. Keigo, SATO

8. Shoya, KIMATA

9. Junki, KONO

10. Sukai, KINJO



The top trainee was Issei, and he will be the center of JO1's first debut single! He got the 1st rank in previous episodes several times, but he has never sat on the 1st seat. However, he finally made his debut as a center! Ren could not debut as a center, but I guess he exhibited the excellent ability and charisma!

Sukai and Keigo have never been in the debut line, but they finally made it in the finale! Also, Shosei surpassed Ruki and Shion, who are considered to be the popular members and got 4th seat in the finale! This result was actually surprising and revealed that many national producers chose Shosei as 1st pick! There were some unexpected results, but overall, I think each member has great potential to be a super idol! 
However, since Jun and Minato could not make a debut, I wonder who will be in rap position...

In GYAO broadcast, Takumi and Shion said that they want to challenge rapping after the debut, but the positions are still not decided.

Top 12 to 20

12. Yugo, MIYAJIMA

13. Shunya, OSAWA

14. Tomoaki, ANDO

15. Kosuke, HONDA

16. Raira, SATO

17. Masahiko, IMANISHI

18. Minato, INOUE

19. Shion, TOKONAMI

20. Jun, UEHARA

Yugo once experienced the rejection, but since HALO members quit the show, he moved on to the finale! In the finale, he almost reached the debut line, but he could not make it... I think most top 11 trainees have cool character, so I thought Yugo's character would be necessary for JO1...

Tomoaki was the only member who could not make a debut from ”Six Packs.” This rejection was so shocking that his name became a trending word on Twitter

Hico (Masahiko) also could not make his debut... I thought his unique character will be a powerful tool for JO1 to be a super idol!

I think Jun being 20th is one of the most bizarre results of this entire season... His rap, dance, vocal, and visuals are all high-level, and his leadership and foreign language skills will be a powerful tool for JO1 to be the worldwide idol group! The fact that he is rejected is shocking, but I believe all national producers understand his potential and his charm! Other trainees also have a strong potential, and I hope their good future!